Friday, March 31, 2017

Vaccines and Autism
My son Andrew was diagnosed at age 3. I can't tell you how much time I spent on the internet reading and reading about vaccines, curing autism and therapies. I almost lost my mind.
 After years of trying "everything", my point is this: Autism is a heartbreaking diagnosis. Because you know there's a chance your beloved child may not develop into the society contributing adult you hoped to raise. You feel hopeless and think if you find out what caused the autism you could fix it. Believe me, I've tried.
 I tried to fix Andrew with ABA, speech, OT, Vitamin Therapy, Naturopathy, allergy tests, Mercury tests, Gluten and Casein free diet, food elimination and I'm gonna cut it short there, because none of these things "cured" Andrew. Some may have helped, but I'm not really sure.
After ten years, and having a nervous breakdown, I've come to my own conclusions about autism and it's causes. I believe genetics plus environmental factors play a role in autism and maybe other disorders. I don't believe that vaccines, by themselves, cause autism. 
Here's the thing: Right or wrong, vaccines are important, because what difference will autism make if you lose your child to a deadly disease that a vaccine could have prevented? Not only that, but unvaccinated children can spread diseases to babies who will suffer horrible things like whooping cough. 
My best advice to anyone who worries about autism and vaccines is to find a pediatrician who will let you space out your child's vaccines where they may receive 1-2 vaccines per well-checkup. Here's a link  with some alternative choices.
Now, does spacing out vaccines mean no autism? I can't say that. Do your homework. Educate yourself, and pray about it. Ask your Heavenly Father to help you choose the best thing for your child. Plead the blood of Jesus over your child for protection against these evil things that are affecting our children.
Unless you can keep your child at home and isolated from other children, then vaccinating is our duty as human beings to keep deadly diseases that have been eradicated from reemerging into our societies. 
I decided to space out my daughters vaccines and she is fine. She did however, need speech and OT for minor speech issues and weakness in her writing hand. 
All I can do as a parent, who tried her best to be what her son needed, is to offer this advice: just love them. Love them as they are. Make the best decisions you can. Pray without ceasing. GIVE IT TO GOD, and let him do the worrying. Believe me, HE loves your child more than you ever could.
God bless 

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