Saturday, April 15, 2017

Fear Not

Do you know how many times verses like "fear not", "do not worry", "be anxious for nothing," and the like are in the Bible? Over 365 times. Very curious isn't it that there's also 365 days in a year? 

So what happens when you refuse to be worried, afraid or anxious? Peace maybe? I'm still working this out myself, but when what I knew in my head finally met up with my spirit I understood. I understood that giving my worries and fears over to the Lord was a daily thing for me. Just like brushing my teeth. 365 days a year. 

So why do we worry?

He knows what I need.
He knows who I need.
And he will always arrange the chess pieces in my favor...

So basically, fearing not, seems to equate happiness, peace and faith. 

Hey, I'm in!


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